An introduction to the sport of Barn Hunt. First of two class levels.
$185 I 1 Hour once a week for 6 weeks
$35 I Drop-in rate
Eligibility: All breeds and ages.
What is Barn Hunt Intro?
Barn Hunt Intro is where we teach you the foundation work and is designed to make the introduction to the sport as enjoyable and safe as possible. You don't have to plan to compete to enjoy Barn Hunt with your dog. You’ll start by teaching your dog the basic groundwork such as intro to the rat, the tubes, marking a scent, climbing bales of straw, tunneling, following guide cues, and more.
What are the benefits to Barn Hunt?
Barn Hunt is more than just having a fun time with your dog. The experience has many benefits including but not limited to:
Develop a stronger bond. Trust and understanding between you both will grow.
Dog will gain more self-confidence
Provides socialization and is a lot of fun.
Provides a lot of mental stimulation.
Promotes a healthy lifestyle through safe and fun exercise
What to bring to class?
A crate to rest your dog between turns.. You can crate from your car or set up along the ring.
2 different types of food rewards. Be sure they’re soft, pea sized treats. Avoid dry crumbly treats.
Something to carry treats in such as a treat bag, waist apron or be sure to wear clothing with pockets.
6 ft. leash attached to a martingale, regular buckle or belt style collars ONLY (retractable leashes, harnesses, prong collar, head halter and choke chains are not permitted).
6 ft. slip lead for use when dog is reliable off leash.
Water & a water bowl for keeping your dog hydrated and comfortable.
Mask if you are sensitive to Hay.
Close toed shoes for safety (Not optional).
A clicker (optional).
A non-squeaky toy to play with your dog (e.g. fleece tug toy, ball tug or Frisbee) (Not optional).
Location & Contact Details
1460 Hanging Rock Road, Boiling Springs, SC, USA